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Writing an admission essay with compare and contrast

Writing an admission essay with compare and contrast can be a daunting task, but with a little preparation and careful planning can yield an essay that will stand out from the competition. To start, it is important to make sure that the essay is addressing the right topics, so be sure to review the application and make sure that you have a good understanding of the topic.

Once you have an understanding of the topic, it is important to brainstorm ideas to compare and contrast. For example, if you are writing about the experiences you have had in different countries, you could compare and contrast the cultural norms of each country. You might talk about the different foods and customs you experienced in each country, as well as how their governments differed.

When you have your ideas for comparison and contrast ready, it is time to begin writing the essay. Start by introducing your topic and explain why you chose to compare and contrast these two aspects of your experiences. Then, write a few sentences that describe each aspect. Be sure to include specific examples to illustrate your points.

Finally, make sure to draw a conclusion that ties together all of your points in a meaningful way. Consider using a transition sentence to highlight the similarities and differences between the two experiences. This will help your essay flow nicely and make your point clear.

Writing an admission essay with compare and contrast can be a challenging yet rewarding task. With careful planning and organization, you can create an essay that will stand out from the competition. Make sure to research the topic thoroughly and pick ideas to compare and contrast that are relevant and meaningful. Take time to craft well-structured sentences and draw a conclusion that ties together all of your points in a meaningful way.